Gas Mask Angel
The Gas mask Angel is at the Musee Des Beax-Arts in Tournai which is in Belgium. Unfortunately I am unable to find the artist that made this sculpture but I chose to write about this sculpture due to the fact that I feel that although this sculpture has nothing to do with Trafalgar square, it has everything to do with Trafalgar square. What I mean by this is that to me this sculpture most represents what Trafalgar square is all about and what Trafalgar square stands for which is war.
According to a response I found when trying to find who made the sculpture, the Gas Mask Angel is at the part of Belgium where the front-line was during WW1, so in my opinion this sculpture is a reference to the war due to the fact that many soldiers lost their lives in the trenches during gas attacks and the angel is also holding its horn with a clenched fist which shows that it could be using its horn as a weapon, so the idea of an angel wearing a gas mask and holding its horn is very effective.
Also, the angel wearing a gas mask could also be seen as a reference to the damage we humans have caused the earth, so they angel has to wear a gas mask because it is unable to breathe the same air as us. The gesture of the angel pointing could mean that the angel is pointing towards anyone who stands right in front of it as though the person is to blame for the pollution of earth.
For my final piece for my Fourth Plinth project i am to make something that everyone would be able to relate to and which would link to Trafalgar square and the idea of war. This sculpture is an essential link for my final piece because in order for my piece to be successful it must be able to be seen by those who go past, including tourist, to be able to make their own decision or conclusion about the piece and about what the piece could mean.
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